デスクトップマスコットLiplis Lili Renew

by LipliStyle



Chitcha cute? Grinded in "Liplis" desktop mascot!Maid of Lili-chan will chat on the Home screen.The...

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Chitcha cute? Grinded in "Liplis" desktop mascot!Maid of Lili-chan will chat on the Home screen.The new in this version, it became Japanese style of maid!This application, has become the open source. Source I can download at GitHub.https://github.com/LipliStyle/Liplis-Android[Description]This application is a widget app.Character resides in the home screen, I will chat.The latest news and interesting topic, Tsui ~Tsu Tarts suite, you can chat RSS news, etc..The conversation can also function now has a new.There is also a mode that displays a clock and battery power.[Features]The chatter about on the net news and interesting topic.· Twitter Public Timeline, chat Tweets My timeline.And content to a total facial expression and changes.-Expression pattern is located about 60 patterns. Compared with the previous version, it has become quite versatile look.• In order to reduce the drain on the battery to the conservative movement to "eco mode" and is also.• When set to Sit mode, you can pause the operation.• You can jump to an article about the topic. (Selectable)-Screen when OFF, and automatically switches to rest mode.· There is also a mode that displays a clock and battery power.· WebAPI You can use the "Clalis" You have to get the topic.· Clalis using the system, feelings grant, we are processing of tone conversion.• The possible create a favorite character skins in the "Noralis editor"!• When you register a favorite site RSS, and then talking about the article of the site.• When you register a favorite Twitter user, you can chat tweet of the user.• You can be talking in voice!• You can enjoy the conversation.• When talk as "tell me about", it will tell you about its contents.- For example, with the talk "tell me tomorrow weather -", it will tell you the weather forecast.[Character]Is sister Lili chan re Pris Sisters.Cooking, cleaning, maid to fill without graduation housework.Chat is very love, and we want to chat always a husband like.In ladylike atmosphere, I will chat with honorific.However, when the heat comes in to chat, emotional ups and downs becomes violently,The angry or laugh or cry, you can chat while changing Colo facial expressions.[Usage]Rough usageIt becomes widget app, will be selected from additional widgets, please be placed on the screen.• When Tsuttsuku in talking to display until the end.• When Tsuttsuku while waiting to talk the next topic.• When Tsuttsuku while waiting, icon appears.• When Tsuttsuku the icon, you can call each function.Link When Tsuttsuku the balloon jump enabled state to start the browser, you can jump to the link.Detailed InstructionsI have put the manual below.http://liplis.mine.nu/lipliswiki/webroot/?LiplisAndroid%20ManualTarget OS version]· Android 1.6 or higher[Note]And acquisition of topic I am getting from Clalis.When Clalis servers are fallen and can not get the topic.Since it resurrected it and wait for a while, I would appreciate wait for a little while.[Illustrations of Lili-chan]And I was writing to No-jos.Thank you for the cute illustrations.[Other]Ship there this power-chan version, also including Ryu驤 chan version.Please see the site of LipliStyle for more information.http://liplis.mine.nu